Yesterday I shared a post on tik tok and facebook of supervised play time with my pups and I've shared about play time before.
Play time for your pup is an essential part to keeping your pup happy.
When dogs play whether it be with you, other dogs or toys they are taking a break from everything.
They are totally enjoying just being a dog while releasing their needless energy and feeding their instinct to play.
It's important your pup learns proper play.
Playing with your pup can also reduce their stress, for example playing with them before the vet or before company comes over.
It's important to monitor play with dogs of different age groups, older dogs may find young pups play styles rude and have to correct.
This is where you can step in and introduce a toy to tug instead of a puppy pulling on an older pup's ears or tail
It's important to add pauses to play time as you seen in my last video to stop escalating or getting too wild
Healthy play each day keeps the behavioral problems away.